The benefits of active-assist exercise for spasticity in health conditions

Spasticity is a condition that affects more than 12 million people worldwide because of a variety of chronic diseases and conditions, accidents or deconditioning, particular those particularly those who have cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, strokes or traumatic brain or spinal cord injury. For example, nearly 80 per cent of those with CP or MS are affected by spasticity.

Mobility can be difficult for anyone experiencing spasticity. Though their symptoms can vary, nearly all of those with spasticity can benefit from maintaining a level of physical activity. There are ways to include active assistance to help maintain and improve mobility, leading to a variety of health benefits.

What is spasticity?

Spasticity is a disorder that affects muscle control. Muscles in someone with spasticity become abnormally stiff and tight, and affect movement. The condition is caused by an imbalance of signals from the central nervous system to muscles. Spasticity will most often occur in people with conditions cited above, but it also occurs outside of these health conditions.

The effects of spasticity

Spasticity most often presents in a patient’s legs, hips and lower back. It is also possible to show up in other muscle groups. In some people, the effects can be no more severe than stiffness when moving around while many others will experience more serious effects. The level of pain that accompanies spasticity can vary widely. It may be no worse than the feeling of tight muscles or it can be more severe, showing up in painful muscle spasms. When muscles contract and are unable to lengthen, the body will often experience disfigurement and disability.

Benefits of active-assistance range-of-motion exercises

The MedUp V2 bike features an “assisted mode,” whereby movement is assisted by the motor when users cannot complete the pedaling cycle independently. It helps build strength, improve coordination and boost motor activity. Another beneficial feature of this trainer is its spasm recognition software that quickly identifies and releases spasms. Spasticity detection is a tremendous, differentiating feature that provides relief to patients. This bike is ideal for patients with MS, CP or other conditions that have brought on spasticity, greatly improving their overall quality of life.

Though patients will likely be prescribed medications to help treat and combat spasticity, an important part of the process will include muscle movement, including daily activity that focuses on maintaining or increasing their range of motion. In patients with spasticity, muscles and joints are not able to stretch long enough, so employing the help of a person or tool to increase active range of motion can ultimately help improve it over time.

There are several reasons why using an active-assist method is the best option for many people living with spasticity.

Better ability to increase range of motion

When someone performs range of motion exercises by themselves, they’ll quickly reach their maximum range. However, by allowing a partner to help them increase their range just a bit more, studies have shown that, in the long term, muscle movement will improve. If using a helper isn’t possible, there are tools such as therapy bikes that can help facilitate assisted movements.

Increased comfort

Active-assisted movement that works to improve range of motion can result in an increased overalllevel of comfort on a day-to-day basis for anyone suffering from spasticity.

Maintain mobility

People who actively participate in assisted mobility exercises on a daily basis are more likely to maintain their mobility, making things like moving around their home, going to the store and getting outside for walks easier to do without excessive pain.

Opportunity for independence

Independence is something that most people want to hold onto as they age. However, when they have spasticity, it can be hard to do things on their own. A MedUp bike can help people to stretch their active range of motion to encourage their ability to stay as independent as possible for as long as possible.  

Improved bowel and bladder function

When people are restricted in their movement by spasticity, they are more likely to experience chronic constipation and urinary tract infections. Active-assist exercises will help people to get moving more which, in turn, will help the reduction of health issues that are prominent in people who aren’t able to maintain regular movement.

Reduces pressure sores

Anyone who is restricted in their movement and confined to a stationary area, like a bed or a chair, is at risk of developing sores if they don’t move their body often enough. This occurs when they are unable to lift and move their legs, arms, hips or torso enough to maintain blood flow.

Active assist benefits spasticity

Though it’s not often possible to cure the symptoms of spasticity, taking part in exercises involving active assistance can offer significant benefits. If it’s not possible to have a partner assist in completing the exercises, there are products, mainly specialized cycle trainers that can support patients.

MedUp V2: Advanced active-passive therapy bike now in Canada!

active passive rehab trainer for mobility recovery

The MedUp V2 is the newest intelligent, motorized therapy ergometer, targeting both upper and lower extremities.

The MedUp V2 is targeted to people with mobility issues resulting from accidents or chronic diseases or conditions, including strokes, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries,  diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, or simply aging. 

Advanced cycle therapy features

The motor-assisted bike’s most advanced features are its ability to automatically detect and release muscle spasms, and reduce spasticity. Additional features set the MedUp V2 apart from other cycle therapy bikes. It has  both arm and leg pedals built into the unit while typical bikes have only a single set of pedals that must be picked up and moved to be used with either set of limbs.

The MedUp V2 offers immediate feedback on speed, resistance, muscle tension, symmetry training of the limbs and other training data on a large, colour, easy-to-use, intuitive screen display.

The device is highly adaptable. It can be used in different modes, depending on if or how well users can move their arms and legs on their own.

Replaces the MOTOmed and THERA Vital trainers in Canada

Due to changes in Health Canada medical device-licencing requirements, the RECK MOTOmed and THERA Vital active-passive exercisers are no longer available in Canada.. Rehabilitation centres, healthcare institutions and home users in search of such advanced, specialized cycle therapy bike have been out of luck.

 But now, health-care professionals in physical therapy and rehabilitation have a premium, commercial-grade therapy system to deliver superior patient care.The MedUp V2 is designed for optimal performance to meet the needs of the Canadian market. 

MedUp V2 exclusively sold in Ontario by Xlent Care Products

View MedUp V2 product specifications, and purchase now.

The MedUp V2 active-passive cycle trainer is sold exclusively in Ontario by Xlent Care Products Inc.

“As previous supplier of the MOTOmed movement therapy system in Ontario, we’re thrilled to bring this new, advanced equipment to market,” says Alan Fine, president of Xlent Care Products  and previous president of Rehatek Inc..

MedUp V2 purchase inquiries are welcome to discuss specifications, advanced therapy/rehabilitation features and more. The equipment ships fast throughout Ontario, and is backed by knowledgeable sales experts.

Woman with CP gains rewards from Medup V2 bike

Before the COVID-19 pandemic began, 30-year-old Tabitha Star, who has cerebral palsy and has been a spastic quadriplegic since birth, regularly attended well-equipped physiotherapy clinics to meet her exercise needs. 

But after Toronto went into lockdown last spring, she was left with no options. That sent her mother, Lisa Star, on a hunt for home equipment that could do the job.

Lisa’s search led her to the Medup V2, the newest active-passive motorized therapy bike to be introduced into Canada.

A great motorized cycle for rehab and exercise at home

This wheelchair-accessible trainer is a great tool for rehab and exercise at home for people with physical limitations stemming from a variety of diseases and conditions, including cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and spinal cord injuries.   

After only a short trial, Lisa decided the Medup V2 was a very effective choice for her daughter. Last July, she bought the first one sold in Ontario. She says that Tabitha has used it every day for at least an hour, and often for longer.

At first,Tabitha used the trainer mostly in passive mode, letting the machine do all the work. But she soon began using her own leg muscle power along with the motor.

Initially, she suffered from lots of spasms but they have decreased significantly. As well, her leg muscles, which were always tight, are now loosened after just  half an hour on the bike.

Reducing spasms and spasticity among benefits of Medup V2

Reductions in spasms and spasticity are among the many benefits of using the Medup V2. Improved circulation is another; Tabitha’s legs, which always felt cold, are noticeably warmer after a workout on the Medup V2. 

Tabitha has experienced other positive effects, including an improved gait pattern and better endurance, adds her stepfather, Nik Tsoutsoulas.

For example, when she began to use the home exercise bike, she could take only up to 30 steps with her stepdad’s support. Now, that’s risen to more than 70 steps, he says. 

The family spends their winters in Arizona.  The first month there, Tabitha asked daily for her Medup V2, which they’d left behind in Toronto. She missed it so much that her family purchased a second motorized bike for their time in Arizona.